Announcing the Launch of the Global Network to Free Political Prisoner in Iran

The Global Network to Free Political Prisoners in Iran (GNFPPI) has been officially launched with its inaugural meeting held on July 21, 2024.

This network serves as a platform for collective efforts aimed at securing the freedom of political prisoners. It provides a space for collaboration and the sharing of experiences among individuals and organizations dedicated to the unconditional and immediate release of all political prisoners in Iran.

The GNFPPI’s activities are carried out by activists and organizations that join and support the network. Individuals and organizations can propose campaigns or actions, which will be discussed and agreed upon during the GNFPPI’s monthly meetings. Supporters are also encouraged to independently promote the agreed-upon campaigns or actions.

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Supporters of the establishment of “The Global Network to Free Political Prisoners in Iran” (names are listed alphabetically). Feel free to add the names of supporters

  1. Abdi Monireh, wife of Ismail Abdi (former political prisoner), Germany
  2. Aghayari Hassan, political activist, Germany
  3. Ahmadian Diyan, political activist and FNV labor union cadre, Netherlands
  4. Ahmadlou Davood, political and human rights activist, co-founder of the Woman, Life, Freedom network, Belgium
  5. Ajdari Azamat, member of the families of victims of flight PS752, United Kingdom
  6. Akhtarani Tehrani Masoud, journalist and reporter, France
  7. Ali Bakshi Behrouz, social-political activist, Montreal, Canada
  8. Amini Hashem, political prisoner and civil activist, Iran
  9. Amiri Mehrdad, Montreal, Canada
  10. Amjadian Bijan, human rights activist, victim of the Mahsa Revolution, the Ukrainian plane crash, and the Green Revolution of 2009, and banned teacher in Iran, Netherlands
  11. Arabshahi Monireh, former political prisoner, opponent of compulsory hijab, and women’s rights defender, Iran
  12. Arvandi Marjan, university lecturer and human rights activist, member of Nika Network of Iranians for Freedom and Democracy, and member of the Global Campaign Coordinating Committee No to Executions in Iran, Austria
  13. Asadi Nasrin, cultural activist and former political prisoner
  14. Asadi Zargham, anti-execution activist and member of the justice-seeking family, Sweden
  15. Fardad Ali Asghar, poet, translator, political activist, and former political prisoner
  16. Ashouri Elika, actress and human rights activist
  17. Astaraki Ebrahim, member of the New Democratic Party of Canada
  18. Azar Payam (Abbas Keyghobadi Azar), political activist and former political prisoner in the 1980s, France
  19. Azaramin Fermisk, women’s rights activist and member of the Campaign to Free Political Prisoners in Iran (CFPPI), Turkey
  20. Azarnoush Masoud, former political prisoner, Canada
  21. Babaei Farnoush, civil activist supporting popular activities for democracy and freedom in Iran, Netherlands
  22. Baharloo B., civil activist, Iran
  23. Bahreman Habib, former political prisoner and political activist, Netherlands
  24. Baloch Fariba, human rights and women’s rights activist from Baluchistan, United Kingdom
  25. Borghaei Mehrdad, political refugee, Switzerland
  26. Borghaei Morteza, political refugee, Switzerland
  27. Barzadeh Aghajari Azadeh, journalist and political activist from Stockholm, Sweden
  28. Beytaraf Farhad, political activist, Netherlands
  29. Chahtal Kamran, political activist, Turkey
  30. Dalvand Soheila, executive director of the Campaign to Free Political Prisoners in Iran (CFPPI), women’s rights activist, Canada
  31. Danesh Koresh, syndicalist, Italy
  32. Daneshfar Shahla, spokesperson for the Free Them Now campaign for the freedom of imprisoned workers, United Kingdom
  33. Darfesh Lida, member of the campaign to stop honor killings, Netherlands
  34. Davand Fatemeh, November 2019 political prisoner and human rights activist, Netherlands
  35. Delnavaz Nahid, political and women’s rights activist, Netherlands
  36. Ebrahimi Zhino, political activist and refugee activist, head of the No to Taboo, No to Violence Against Women organization, Canada
  37. Ebrahimzadeh Behnam, former political prisoner, children’s rights activist, and labor activist, Germany
  38. Ebrahimzadeh Issa, current political prisoner, Iran
  39. Eghbali Eqbal, member of the justice-seeking families and uncle of political prisoner Toomaj Salehi, Germany
  40. Esfandiari Soheil, member of the Campaign to Free Political Prisoners in Iran (CFPPI), Sweden
  41. Esmaeili Reza, former political prisoner, university lecturer, Netherlands
  42. Jane, family member of political prisoners and justice-seeking family, activist in support of political prisoners, USA
  43. Faramarzi Keyvan, political activist
  44. Farhadpour Ala, political activist, Canada
  45. Farid Farhang, activist in the field of the freedom of political prisoners, Netherlands
  46. Farid Siamak, political activist and co-founder of the Woman, Life, Freedom network, Belgium, human rights activist
  47. Fatahi Chia, brother of martyr Ramin Fatahi, Germany
  48. Fatahi Rada, member of the justice-seeking family, sister of martyr Ramin Fatahi, Germany
  49. Fatahi Soraya, Stockholm, Sweden
  50. Fathi Maryam, member of the KJAR management council in Europe
  51. Fazeli Behnam, political activist
  52. Gholipour Masoud, political activist, Switzerland
  53. Golshani Parsa, political activist, Iran
  54. Hansse, former secretary of the Swiss Pensioners’ Union
  55. Haghoghi Samira, mental health specialist, human rights and gender equality activist
  56. Hashem Fazeli, political activist, Switzerland
  57. Hossein Panahi Amjad, human rights activist, member of the justice-seeking family, family member of Kurdish martyrs, Germany
  58. Hosseini Shirin, political activist and activist for the freedom of political prisoners, Netherlands
  59. Ilkhani Zadeh Kejal, from the Hana Human Rights Organization, Netherlands
  60. Jahangiri Mona, civil activist, Iran
  61. Jalali Narges, civil activist, Sweden
  62. Jami Afsaneh, political activist, Netherlands
  63. Jegarvand Pouya, civil activist, Iran
  64. Kahkesh Reza, political activist
  65. Dr. Jafari Yazdi Kamal, civil activist, former political prisoner, Iran
  66. Karimian Akbar, political analyst and political activist, England
  67. Kashkouli Naser, former political prisoner, Germany
  68. Kermanshahi Narges, human rights activist, England
  69. Khabaz zadeh Shahla, women’s rights activist, Germany
  70. Khademi Pourang, former political prisoner, justice-seeker, member of the Global Campaign Coordinating Committee No to Executions in Iran
  71. Khajeh Noushin, former political prisoner, political activist
  72. Khalili Rad Saeed, psychoanalyst and political activist, United Kingdom
  73. Khoshroo Fatemeh, former political prisoner of November 2019 and sister of the Khoshroo brothers, political prisoners of the Woman, Life, Freedom revolution, and human rights and gender apartheid activist, Georgia
  74. Kiani Asghar, political activist, former political prisoner of two regimes
  75. Kolahchian Tanaz, human rights lawyer, Netherlands
  76. Koukabi Khadijeh, civil activist
  77. Koukabi Nina, civil activist, Iran
  78. Koukabi Nona, civil activist
  79. Koukabi Rouzbeh, civil activist, England
  80. Koukabi Zh., civil activist, Norway
  81. Koukabi Zhinos, civil activist, Iran
  82. Lordi Zahra
  83. Lotfi Azizeh, women’s rights activist, Finland
  84. Lotfi Zahra, human rights and animal rights activist, Sweden
  85. Mahboubi Shiva, former political prisoner and spokesperson of the Campaign to Free Political Prisoners in Iran (CFPPI), England
  86. Mahmoudi Farshad, human rights activist, Frankfurt, Germany
  87. Mahmoudi G., civil activist, Iran
  88. Malek Parvin, women’s rights activist and justice seeker, USA
  89. Mandegar Hamid, human rights activist, co-founder of the Women, Life, Freedom network, Belgium
  90. Mansournia Soran, brother of the late Borhan Mansournia and member of the Aban justice-seeking families, Netherlands
  91. Dr. Beitalzadeh Masoud, political activist and co-founder of the Woman, Life, Freedom network, Belgium
  92. Mastoufi Azad, writer, translator, and journalist, France
  93. Matoor Azim, global campaigner against executions and member of the global network for the freedom of political and ideological prisoners in Iran, Germany
  94. Mazloum Farangis, member of the justice-seeking family, mother of former political prisoner Soheil Arabi in exile, former political prisoner, Iran
  95. Mehregan Reza, former political prisoner and political activist, Iran
  96. Mirghafari Leila, civil activist, Iran
  97. Mirgasemi Soroush , student, Canada
  98. Mirzaei Sirus, human rights defender and physician, Austria
  99. Moazi Parvin, political activist, Germany
  100. Moazinnezhad Yousra, civil activist and member of the Campaign to Free Political Prisoners in Iran (CFPPI), Netherlands
  101. Moghadam Rezvan, former political prisoner, member of the Khavaran justice-seeking families, women’s rights activist, and spokesperson for the campaign to stop honor killings, USA
  102. Mohammadi Barzan, former political prisoner and justice seeker
  103. Mohammadi Kamiyab, political prisoner and injured in the November 2019 protests, Germany
  104. Moradi Diako, journalist and human rights activist, spokesperson for the Kurdistan Human Rights Reporters’ Association, Norway
  105. Moradi Javan Mir, labor activist, Iran
  106. Moridi Reza, former member of the Ontario Parliament, former Minister of Research and Innovation, Canada
  107. Mortab Shahnaz, human rights defender and member of the PS752 victims’ families, Germany
  108. Mossallanejad Ezzat, analyst, researcher, treatment advisor, and senior expert at the Canadian Centre for Victims of Torture, Canada
  109. Naimi Alameh, physician, supporter of various freedom movements in Iran and the overthrow of the Islamic Republic, Netherlands
  110. Namdarpour Nasrin, anti-execution and women’s rights activist, Sweden
  111. Namjoo Ayat, political activist, Canada
  112. Nayeb Hashem Hassan, human rights defender, Austria
  113. Nazarian Kian, political activist, co-founder of the Women, Life, Freedom network, Belgium
  114. Nazemi Pouran, human rights activist, Iran
  115. Nejati Azadeh, former political prisoner and political activist against executions
  116. Niknafs Atiyeh, anti-religion and political activist, Netherlands
  117. Nishabouri Javad, political activist
  118. Norouzi Shaghayegh, feminist, leader of the Me Too team in Iran
  119. Noudinian Nasan, political activist, Germany
  120. Nouri Samin, women’s rights activist, writer, and translator, Netherlands
  121. Omrani Jila, political activist, Netherlands
  122. Pakrovan Shohreh, justice-seeking mother of the late Reyhaneh Jabbari, Germany
  123. Pooshai Mehrdad, political activist and writer, Germany
  124. Pouladi Parisa, children’s rights activist and artist-activist, Netherlands
  125. Pouya Hassan, writer, co-founder of the Khavaran Association, and human rights activist, Canada
  126. Pouyandeh Parisa, member of the justice-seeking family, Chairwoman of the Campaign to Free Political Prisoners in Iran (CFPPI) and women’s rights activist, Netherlands
  127. Raha Hormoz, head of the International Committee Against Execution, Sweden
  128. Rahmani Bahram, writer and political activist, Sweden
  129. Ramazani Mahboubeh, member of the Campaign to Free Political Prisoners in Iran (CFPPI), Netherlands
  130. Ramazani Mohammad, member of the Campaign to Free Political Prisoners in Iran (CFPPI), Netherlands
  131. Rashidi Shiva, children’s rights activist, Germany
  132. Ali Payam Mohammad Reza, known as Halo, former political prisoner, political activist, poet, satirist, and program maker
  133. Sabah Behnoosh, teacher, human rights and political activist, United Kingdom
  134. Saberi Kia, political activist, Canada
  135. Sabouri Hadis, former political prisoner and civil activist, Iran
  136. Salari Narges, former political prisoner, member of the justice-seeking family and activist for the freedom of political prisoners, Netherlands
  137. Salavati Azad, human rights activist, head of the Zagros Human Rights Organization, Switzerland
  138. Salehi Hassan, spokesperson for the International Committee Against Execution, Sweden
  139. Samadi Keyvan, political prisoner of the Woman, Life, Freedom revolution and board member of the Kurdpa Human Rights Organization, Germany
  140. Samavish Mahyar, researcher and human rights activist, member of the Nika Network, the Global Campaign No to Executions in Iran, and the Global Network for the Freedom of Political and Ideological Prisoners in Iran, Italy
  141. Sanandaji Saeed, member of the Kurdistan National Congress
  142. Sattari Soheila, political and civil activist, Germany
  143. Sedighi Sara, human and women’s rights activist and LGBTQ activist, Germany
  144. Sepehri Zoya, anti-execution and civil activist, Cologne, Germany
  145. Shabafrouz Masoud, political activist, USA
  146. Shafati Elaheh, political activist and former political prisoner
  147. Shajirati Peyman, labor activist, Germany
  148. Shams Shirin, leader of the Women’s Revolution organization
  149. Sharmahd Ghazaleh, daughter of Jamshid Sharmahd, German-American hostage abducted in Iran
  150. Shirani Pour Rouhi, human rights activist
  151. Shirzad Hossein, former political prisoner and human rights activist
  152. Siahpour Sara, teachers’ union activist, Iran
  153. Solhjou Abouzar, former political prisoner and activist of the Campaign to Free Political Prisoners in Iran (CFPPI), Sweden
  154. Tehran Azar, political activist, Netherlands
  155. Valian Fazel, Hana Human Rights Organization
  156. Vasli Arash, photographer, journalist, and civil activist
  157. Yazdanpanah Bahareh, political prisoners’ rights activist, Netherlands
  158. Yousefi Shalir, family member of the late Ramin Fatahi, Germany
  159. Zamini Shohreh, women’s and human rights activist, Austria

Supporting groups for the establishment of the global network for the freedom of political and conscience prisoners in Iran:

  1. Zagros Human Rights Center (Centre Zagros pour les Droits de l’Homme)
  2. All for Iran Group, Geneva, Switzerland
  3. Campaign “No to Executions, Yes to Free Life”
  4. Campaign to Defend Political and Civil Prisoners in Iran
  5. Campaign to Free Political Prisoners in Iran (CFPPI)
  6. Free Human Group, Germany
  7. Free Iran Association – Switzerland
  8. Global Campaign Against Executions in Iran
  9. Hana Human Rights Organization
  10. International Committee Against Executions
  11. Iranian Youth Unity Circle, Montreal, Canada
  12. Me Too Movement Iran
  13. Nika, Network of Iranians Seeking Freedom and Democracy
  14. No to Taboos and No to Violence Against Women Institution
  15. Women Against Gender Discrimination in Kurdistan
  16. Women, Life, Freedom Group, London
  17. Women, Life, Freedom Network, Belgium