Declaration of the Zagros Center for International Women’s Day 2024

On this International Women’s Day, the Zagros Center joins in celebrating the courage and resilience of women worldwide. The United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) has chosen the theme “Investing in the Mobilizing Role and Participation of Women and Girls for Peace” to mark this day, and we are fully committed to this cause.

Human rights defenders, women working for peacebuilding, and feminist movements worldwide have made significant efforts for peace. However, the voices of women and girls remain, at best, marginal in decision-making spheres where final decisions are made that affect their lives during peace and reconciliation processes.

We recognize the crucial importance of the full and equal participation of women at all levels of decision-making, especially in efforts to establish peace and promote reconciliation. Women bring a unique perspective to these processes, one that is often overlooked but essential for ensuring sustainable and inclusive solutions.

On this important day, let us reaffirm our commitment to supporting and promoting women’s leadership in peacebuilding. Investing in the mobilizing role of women and girls is not only a matter of justice but also an essential condition for achieving lasting and inclusive peace.

The Zagros Center is committed to continuing to work alongside women worldwide to advance this vital cause. Together, we can build a world where the voices of women are heard and respected, and where peace and justice prevail for all.

Zagros Human Rights Center

March 8, 2024

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