Statement by the Zagros Center for Human Rights on the Commemoration of the Kurdistan Independence Referendum

On September 25, 2017, the Kurdish people of Iraqi Kurdistan overwhelmingly voiced their legitimate desire for freedom and sovereignty through the independence referendum. This historic event remains a powerful symbol of the Kurds’ relentless pursuit of self-determination after decades of struggle for their fundamental rights and dignity.

Despite the challenging circumstances in which this referendum took place, amidst internal and international pressures, the Kurds demonstrated their will to live in peace and govern their own destiny. However, the aftermath of the referendum, marked by sanctions, threats, and military operations, highlighted the numerous obstacles that continue to hinder the realization of the Kurdish people’s aspirations.

On this seventh anniversary, the Zagros Center for Human Rights honors the resilience and determination of the Kurdish people, who continue to fight for the recognition of their rights and their place on the international stage. We call on the international community to support the Kurds in their quest for justice and freedom, and to encourage peaceful dialogue among all stakeholders to find a lasting solution that respects the rights of the Kurdish people.

We reaffirm our commitment to defending the human rights of all oppressed peoples and groups, including the Kurds, and to working towards a future where the Kurdish people can live in peace, security, and with the recognition of their legitimate rights.